“We Are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience”
Marty has always known there is much more to this life than what meets our eyes. From her earliest childhood memories, she has had an awareness that gracious spiritual energies surround us with Unconditional Love, Guidance, and unwavering Understanding.
She firmly believes that our true existence has a much higher purpose. We are meant to embrace this Gift of life on Earth and learn from ALL our experiences. We are meant to be Happy, Joyous and Free to embrace life and all it has to offer, including our challenges while learning about ourselves and expanding our awareness. “I strive to approach my life and those I’m with in a positive uplifting way. I love to laugh and be happy and by bringing these attributes into my readings it is my primary goal to instill Love, Peace, and Wellbeing.” - Marty |
Contact Us
Bookstore & Information
Hours: M - Sat, 10am - 6pm and Sunday 11:30am to 5pm Address: 1112 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706 Phone: 386-228-2880 |
Administrative Office
Hours: M-F, 9am - 5pm Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm Address: 1325 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706 Phone: 386-228-3171 |
1325 Stevens Street / PO Box 319 / Cassadaga, FL 32706 // 386-228-3171 // [email protected]
© Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp // Click here for Media Inquiries