"'My daughter sees dead people' was my one-liner when we first embarked on our journey."
SCSCMA Medium, Healer and Teacher (352) 552-5934 [email protected] www.FromTheEthers.com AVAILABLE FOR IN PERSON AND PHONE READINGS AS WELL AS GROUPS AND GATHERINGS Online Psychic Development Classes email - [email protected] I am a Clairvoyant, I see, feel, know and hear. In a reading, I connect with Spirit, give evidence of Spirit, life guidance and psychic information.
In the midst of the unfoldment of my gifts, a woman named Kira recognized my talents as a writer and encouraged me to do more meaningful work. I stood alongside of her seated in her office. She had a stone in her hand, took my hand and said that I had lived previously during the world war and that I was a journalist. I thought, “Really – that’s a stretch!” (LOL!). She continued. You had a bum knee. You didn’t die from that, but it caused complications to your health. You weren’t shot there. Now, I thought, “Holy cow!” She came out of her trance, and I shared that when I was younger, about 5 or 6, my knee would come out of joint. I could not bend it for hours upon hours. I walked around straight-legged until it would pop back in. During an episode, my mother took me to get it x-rayed. There was no reason why I couldn’t bend my knee. Back then we never thought it to be a previous life experience. My daughter was having her unfoldment as well. “My daughter sees dead people" was my one-liner when we first embarked on our journey. In 2003, I attended a message service at a local spiritual center to be sure it was safe to bring my daughter, who was 9 years old. Not long after that she came home from a sleepover and was acting strangely. The next day, after some prodding, she confessed that she saw spirits around her friends and started to give them readings. Here's the best part--one of the spirits stayed with her through the night. I called the lady who owned the center. She was not available, so I told my daughter to tell the spirit to leave. It must have worked. A couple of days later the owner of the center returned my call. She suggested that we come to class. Side note: I'm a freelance writer for a newspaper, so I was still a bit skeptical at that point. I did not see spirit like my daughter, yet; however, I did believe what she said. The very first class I sat in meditation, got pictures and gave a spot-on message to another student. I was hooked. I’ve always been a healer. Early on, I received a reading from a medium, who held my hands and proclaimed that I was a healer. As a child (6 or 7), I was asked to rub my auntie’s feet and ankles. She always said to me that my hands were so hot and that my hands were healing. I guess she knew. I am a self-published author of “The List” and “It Happens. . .” and co-author of “Two Worlds,” all in the Bookstore. My weekly blog is at FromTheEthers.com, Facebook Page: Life in Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp – Mayberry It Is, YouTube Channel: From the Ethers. |
Contact Us
Bookstore & Information
Hours: M - Sat, 10am - 6pm and Sunday 11:30am to 5pm Address: 1112 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706 Phone: 386-228-2880 |
Administrative Office
Hours: M-F, 9am - 5pm Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm Address: 1325 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706 Phone: 386-228-3171 |
1325 Stevens Street / PO Box 319 / Cassadaga, FL 32706 // 386-228-3171 // [email protected]
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