Experiencing an NDE (near death experience) at the age of eight years old introduced her to the spiritual side of life.
Anita is located at “The Snipes House” at 1214 Stevens Street directly across from Colby Memorial Temple. This beautiful historic home was built by Joseph Snipes accountant for John D. Rockefeller.
She offers Spiritual counseling, private readings, Séances (by appointment only) and telephone consultations. Séances are for those who choose to communicate individually with their loved ones or perhaps who need to bring closure regarding an issue in their life. Séances are done on Friday or Saturday nights and she asks for at least three others plus yourself to be present. Please call for further information. Anita was the daughter of a Southern Baptist Deacon and her Mother a Medium, as well as her Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Being raised in the Baptist religion and also attending Spiritualist meetings with her Grandmother has given Anita the availability to understand and answer many questions regarding both belief systems. The knowledge that “there is no death” is one Spiritualist view that gives great peace of mind to many who were raised with orthodox beliefs. Anita is located at “The Snipes House” at 1214 Stevens Street directly across from Colby Memorial Temple. This beautiful historic home was built by Joseph Snipes accountant for John D. Rockefeller. She offers Spiritual counseling, private readings, Séances (by appointment only) and telephone consultations. Séances are for those who choose to communicate individually with their loved ones or perhaps who need to bring closure regarding an issue in their life. Séances are done on Friday or Saturday nights and she asks for at least three others plus yourself to be present. Please call for further information. Experiencing an NDE (near death experience) at the age of eight years old introduced her to the spiritual side of life. Later in life she decided to use her abilities to help others understand their experiences and unanswered questions that they have carried with them for many years. Helping others by giving them information from Spirit regarding their present situations, their current path and connecting them with their loved ones from the other side is very rewarding both for Anita and her clients. |
Contact Us
Bookstore & Information
Hours: M - Sat, 10am - 6pm and Sunday 11:30am to 5pm Address: 1112 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706 Phone: 386-228-2880 |
Administrative Office
Hours: M-F, 9am - 5pm Closed for lunch 12pm - 1pm Address: 1325 Stevens Street, Cassadaga, FL 32706 Phone: 386-228-3171 |
1325 Stevens Street / PO Box 319 / Cassadaga, FL 32706 // 386-228-3171 // [email protected]
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